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Tag: made in Italy

Credo che non sia la prima volta che parlo delle fantastiche connessioni che si creano grazie a questo blog, una sorta di sorprendente effetto domino in cui un designer richiama un brand che ne richiama un altro che a sua volta introduce un evento, una fiera, una fashion week,...
I think it's not the first time I talk about the fantastic connections that are created thanks to this blog, a sort of surprising domino effect in which a designer recalls a brand that calls another that in turn introduces an event, a fair, a fashion week, in which...
It is a name that smells like history, that Calabrian, and like wisdom, that of the Calabrese. It's called Cangiari, which in dialect means 'to change', it is the first high-end brand in the Italian ethical fashion scene and contains in one word a mountain of meanings that all...
Alla qualità made in Italy non si rinuncia. In fatto di moda e artigianato il belpaese non lo batte nessuno. Ovunque si metta il naso, un profumo d'Italia lo si sente sempre. Una fragranza piacevole persino quando parliamo di scarpe, quelle del marchio NOAH, calzature vegan con passaporto tedesco...
You don't just give up on 'made in Italy' quality. In terms of fashion and craftsmanship, the 'belpaese' can't be beat. Wherever you put your nose, you can always smell a scent of Italy, a pleasant fragrance even when we talk about shoes, those of the NOAH brand, vegan...